The average house price on MOSSBROUGH CLOSE is £301,957
The most expensive house in the street is 4 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE with an estimated value of £378,345
The cheapest house in the street is 1 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE with an estimated value of £220,648
The house which was most recently sold was 12 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE, this sold on 30 Jul 2019 for £252,000
The postcode for MOSSBROUGH CLOSE is TS19 0QT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE Detached £220,648 £55,000 20 Jan 2000
4 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE Detached £378,345 £80,000 5 Jun 1998
9 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE Detached £310,281 £102,000 11 Mar 2002
11 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE Detached £287,400 £167,500 14 Sep 2006
12 MOSSBROUGH CLOSE Detached £313,111 £252,000 30 Jul 2019